Love calculator by date of birth

Love calculator by date of birth

You have asked a very good question about Love compatibility calculator by date of birth and horoscope. Though there are so many paid softwares for love matching. But I will give some basic rules that can work very well for love calculator by date of birth

Love calculator by date of birth and Concept

Love OR Compatibility is found from 5th house of horoscope by date of birth. First of all check the lord & karaka of 5th house. Are they friendlier? Are they influencing each other. IF the lords in both of the charts are friends then some good results may be found.
We also very importantly check the lagna lords compatibility for love calculator by date of birth for finding good results.we should analyze their compatibility in this regard. Both have good effects of benefic planets. 
The 7th house should posses strength and power in both the charts. This is for long term love relationship calculation. 

Love calculator by date of birth: The key points

1. I st House
2. 5 th House
3. 7 th House

If all this checked minutely then only we can get a god result regarding love calculator by date of birth.